Bolen & Bolen Attorneys at Law
Voice: (205) 879-9490     Fax: (205) 879-9495
3928 Montclair Road - Suite 134
Birmingham, AL 35213
Professional Services with Personal Attention
Antibiotics Pharmaceutical - Antibiotics and Liver Failure
Various antibiotic families, each containing a multitude of antimicrobial types and brands, have been known to distress the liver in many recipients, often causing severe liver damage and, in some cases, death...
Reglan - Causes Uncontrolled Movements of Facial Muscles
Patients taking Reglan have developed tardive dyskinesia, which causes uncontrolled movements of facial muscles. Reglan is most commonly used to treat heartburn, as well as slow gastric emptying in people with diabetes...
Avandia - Heart Condition and Heart Attacks
Patients taking Avandia having developed  a heart condition and have suffered a heart attacks.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are aware of a potential safety issue related to Avandia...
Lantus - Increased Risk of Cancer
Similar to human insulin, Lantus (insulin glargine) is used to control blood sugar in people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Insulin glargine, however, is a modified version of human insulin...
Yaz or Yasmin - Increased Risk of Cancer
These birth control pills may cause cardiac events such as heart attack, strokes and pulmonary embolism. It may also cause gallbladder disease requiring surgical removal of the gallbladder.
Fentora - Serious Breathing Problems
Fentora is approved to treat breakthrough pain in cancer patients but is often prescribed for unapproved uses such as migraines and back pain. Fentora can cause serious breathing problems which can lead to death. We are investigating death cases from the past two years.
Vytorin Pharmaceutical - Liver & Muscle Damage. Is It Worth the Risks?
Is it worth the risks?  Vytorin and Zetia are drugs prescribed to lower cholesterol levels. These drugs are commonly prescribed to patients who are unable to control their cholesterol levels through diet and exercise...
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